libros leidos

30 de diciembre de 2015


They translate the same but they have different meanings depending on the preposition

My husband is at the office = Esta en el lugar de trabajo pero no necesariamente en su oficina
My husband is in the office = Esta dentro de la oficina
I'm at the theatre = En el lugar del teatro
I'm in the theatre = Dentro del teatro
We are at the beach = Estamos en la playa
We are on the beach = Estamos en la arena de la playa
I'm at the school = Estoy en la escuela pero no necesariamente dentro
I'm in the school = Estoy en la escuela (dentro del edificio o en la clase).

14 de diciembre de 2015


Many groups of animals have their own special  collective nouns.

A gaggle of geese  = una manada de gansos      
A brood of chickens  = una camada de pollos
A colony of ants = una colonia de hormigas
A herd of deer  = una manada de ciervos
A herd of cattle = un rebaño de ganado
A litter of puppies =  una camada de cachorros
A pride of lions =  un orgullo de leones
A flock of birds = una bandada de pájaros
A troop of monkeys =  una tropa de monos
A pod of dolphins = un grupo de delfines
A swarm of bees = un enjambre de abejas
 A flock of  or a drove of sheep = un rebaño de ovejas
A pile of books = una pila de libros
A school of whales = una escuela de ballenas
A bunch of grapes = un racimo de uvas
A pack of wolves = una manada de lobos
A bunch of flowers = un ramo de flores

23 de octubre de 2015


The letter "B" is silent after "M"  at the end of a word : climb (klaim)
And isn't pronounced before the letter "T": debt (det)

22 de septiembre de 2015


However ( haʊˈevəʳ ) / Nevertheless (ˌnevəðəˈles )  = Aunque, Sin embargo
However is used in the positive sense.
Eg : I like vegetables; however,I hate the aubergines.
Nevertheless is used in the negative sense.
Eg : She didn't like the price. Nevertheless, she bought it.

24 de agosto de 2015


I can
I can not / I can't
I could
I couldn't
I will be able  / I'll be able
I will not be able / I won't be able

14 de agosto de 2015


James Bond was at the airport. He was in line for checking. when it was his turn, the airport employee asked his name and he answered "Bond, James Bond".
Behind James Bond there was a country bumpkin when it was the turn of de country bumpkin and the airport employee asked his name he answered  " my name's  Brosio  Am brosio".

7 de agosto de 2015


I've uploaded this video becuase I love. It was an activity of English classes Ivan. It was a wonderful and unforgettable experience. Thanks Ivan.

24 de febrero de 2015

Confusing words

These words are very easy to confuse = quite and quiet
Quite / Kwait / = Bastante
Quiet / Kwaiet / = Tranquilo , silencioso