libros leidos

11 de agosto de 2017

Relative pronoun

If the third people are the subject of the action the relative pronoun 'whom' is used:

The girl with whom I spoke was from Argentina – La muchacha con quien hablé era de Argentina
The man to whom I gave the key was the owner – El hombre a quien le di la llave era el dueño

The writer from whom I received this script is well known – El escritor de quien recibí este guión es bien conocido.

3 de enero de 2017

 Question tags

Examples with " do " and " did ":

I need to do my Spanish homework,Don't I?
Emma reads in the park,doesn't she?
We din't see the car in the car park,did we?
They didn't eat bananas for breakfast,did they?

Examples with differents verbs:

I have got your phone number, haven't I?
Paul can sit there,can't he?
We musn't eat chocolate, must we?
They shouldn't drive that car, should thet?